Friday, July 22, 2005

A New Day

Today is the first day I am able to record our journey with “Manband!” the defining movie of our time.
“Manband!” deals with Pop Music, Bad Dancing, and the Cultural irreverence shadowing the early 21st century…Okay its mostly about bad dancing.
The movie was brought to the screen by an unexpected trio, Mee Vaj, Lon Castler Bixby and yours truly.
Mee Vaj escaped the wrath of the Viet Con in Laos, Refugees Camps in Thailand and High School in America. She is a USC Graduate and a Material Arts expert. Perfect credentials to make “Manband!”
Lon is a Texan born in Rhode Island. A Ninja Photographer and a great dancer he also writes and direct. Lon and I worked on a movie some years ago and promised to work on something in the future. And that future was “Manband!’
As for myself, I’m an Irish Filmmaker living in Southern California, I have a vision of making movies that make people, laugh, cry, dance, swear and demand a better world. A Soccer Mad (Chelsea FC) Punk Rocker who only dates Supermodels. Everything’s true except for the Supermodels, I also date just plain Gorgeous Models. A sophisticated man about town, a champion of the people and a mighty fine dancer.
Tomorrow I hope to give a condensed account of the “Making of Manband!”
Disclaimer: I’m not that good a dancer.


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